Larceny, Embezzlement, Identity Theft, and Shoplifting or Petty theft.
A theft crime is the unlawful taking and removing of another’s personal property with the intent of depriving him or her of it. It is also referred to as stealing and can consist of the following charges: larceny, burglary, embezzlement, identity theft and shoplifting. There are two types of theft: petty theft and grand theft. Petty theft is the lesser of the two and often results in a misdemeanor charge. Grand theft is the more severe of the two and can result in a felony charge. If convicted, you will be looking at a minimum of 6 months in jail, fines and probation. McNamara & McNamara will defend all types of theft crimes charges.
A robbery accusation is very serious in the state of California. Robbery is the illegal taking of property from someone else’s personal possession by using violence or intimidation. Robbery is categorized as either aggravated robbery, armed robbery, or simple robbery. Robbery is divided by first degree robbery or second degree robbery. First degree robbery is any robbery that takes place in an inhabited dwelling, vessel or trailer and/or used against the operator of a vehicle; it also refers to an ATM robbery or a carjacking. Second degree robbery refers to all other types of robbery. A robbery charge is typically a felony offense and carries various penalties which may include:
2 – 10 year state prison sentence
Severe fines
Restitution to the victim
“Strike” on criminal record
Lifetime driver’s license revocation
In addition, if you are convicted of robbery in the state of California, you will lose your rights to purchase or have in your possession any type of firearm. A robbery conviction could also affect your future employment opportunities, right to vote and overall reputation within your community.
A theft crime is the unlawful taking and removing of another’s personal property with the intent of depriving him or her of it. It is also referred to as stealing and can consist of the following charges: larceny, burglary, embezzlement, identity theft and shoplifting. There are two types of theft: petty theft and grand theft. Petty theft is the lesser of the two and often results in a misdemeanor charge. Grand theft is the more severe of the two and can result in a felony charge. If convicted, you will be looking at a minimum of 6 months in jail, fines and probation. McNamara & McNamara will defend all types of theft crimes charges.
A robbery accusation is very serious in the state of California. Robbery is the illegal taking of property from someone else’s personal possession by using violence or intimidation. Robbery is categorized as either aggravated robbery, armed robbery, or simple robbery. Robbery is divided by first degree robbery or second degree robbery. First degree robbery is any robbery that takes place in an inhabited dwelling, vessel or trailer and/or used against the operator of a vehicle; it also refers to an ATM robbery or a carjacking. Second degree robbery refers to all other types of robbery. A robbery charge is typically a felony offense and carries various penalties which may include:
2 – 10 year state prison sentence
Severe fines
Restitution to the victim
“Strike” on criminal record
Lifetime driver’s license revocation
In addition, if you are convicted of robbery in the state of California, you will lose your rights to purchase or have in your possession any type of firearm. A robbery conviction could also affect your future employment opportunities, right to vote and overall reputation within your community.